Dear Writer: 

Here are the 2024 themes and deadlines. 

Last year (2023) we discovered what Paul had to say to us as believers (the church) through his second letter to the Corinthian Church. We learned how to live as believers and serve the world around us. 

We discovered Paul’s caring for the church as a father cares for his children. In this caring, we have praise and thanksgiving, but there were also warnings and direct instruction. We discovered Paul’s words are very relevant to all believers today. 

This year (2024) we will journey with John as we read his gospel about following Jesus and sharing the amazing experiences he had. 

I encourage all of us to read carefully for the context in each passage so we can accurately write about what God (through John) is sharing with us as believers. Our job is to ask The Holy Spirit to help us write words of encouragement and inspiration from what John shares. Please write how the truths affect your personal life. How does it inspire you to be a stronger believer? Our readers are blessed by what we write and share. 

Reminder: Christian Journal articles are not designed to “preach” at others. Preaching is when we use YOU words (especially as we try to wrap up our points). Rather, the more we identify with the reader and share our own journey through the Word the more the reader wants to join us in that journey. 

Remember we are looking for articles of 500 words or less. To ensure that you notice any guideline revisions we may have made, I encourage you to review the Guidelines for Writers before you write each article. Thanks for your commitment and service. 

Chad McComas, Editor 

Theme: Jesus Is The Light 
What did Jesus come to do for His people? What light did He share? Based on John 1:1-18 
Copy and Announcement Deadline: December 15
Print Date: January 3 

Theme: Jesus Asks The Improbable 
Mary told servers to do what Jesus asked. They did, even though it made no sense. What are some things Jesus asks us to do when it doesn’t make sense? Why does He do that?
Based on John 2:5-11
Copy and Announcement Deadline: January 15
Print Date: January 31 

Theme: Jesus Wants Us Born Again 
Why do we need to be born again? How can we be born of the Spirit? What needs to happen? 

Theme: Jesus Is The Way To Eternal Life 
God wants to save His people. Jesus is the only plan. What is this Good News? 
Based on John 3:14-21
Copy and Announcement Deadline: March 15
Print Date: April 3 

Theme: Jesus Has Living Water 
What is the water Jesus tells the woman at the well about? How do we get this water in our lives? 
Based on John 4:13,14
Copy and Announcement Deadline: April 15
Print Date: May 1 

Theme: Jesus Calls Us To Harvest Jesus told His disciples what energized Him. How does it apply to us? 
Based on John 4:34-38
Copy and Announcement Deadline: May 15
Print Date: May 29 

Theme: Jesus: Do We Want To Get Well Jesus asked the man at the pool if he wanted to be healed. He asks us the same question. Why? 
Based on John 5:1-15 Copy and Announcement Deadline: June 15
Print Date: July 3 

Theme: Jesus Feeds 5,000 
This story is about compassion, impossibility, sacrifice and abundance. How does it apply to us and our faith today? 
Based on John 6:1-13 Copy and Announcement Deadline: July 15
Print Date: July 31 

Theme: Jesus Is The Bread Of Life Jesus says He is bread from Heaven. What does He mean and how does this affect our lives? 
Based on John 6:35-40
Copy and Announcement Deadline: August 15
Print Date: August 28 

Theme: Jesus Doesn’t Condemn Sinners 
How does Jesus treat the woman caught in adultery? What does Jesus tell her to do? How does this apply to our lives?
Based on John 8:1-11
Copy and Announcement Deadline: September 15
Print Date: October 2 

Theme: Jesus Sets Us Free Jesus sets us free. How? And from What? 
Based on John 8:31-36
Copy and Announcement Deadline: October 15
Print Date: October 30 

Theme: Jesus Opens And Blinds Eyes Jesus healed a blind man. He makes a point about spiritual blindness and what it is? How does t this apply to our lives as believers?
Based on John 9 (key: verse 39)
Copy and Announcement Deadline: November 15
Print Date: December 4